126 Strategies for Happiness & Joy with Ashley Williams

My guest today is Ashley Williams. She has dedicated her career to helping individuals and organizations increase their overall happiness and satisfaction in life. Ashley is an emotional wellness advocate, mindfulness student, and successful CEO. With over a decade of experience in the field of emotional wellness, she has helped hundreds of individuals connect with greater joy, contentment, and purpose in their lives.
She is the Founder and CEO of Clymb, an emotional health software for children.
In this episode we will talk about:
- Can happiness be learned or is it something that people are born with?
- What are practical strategies that people can use to increase their happiness and well- being on a daily basis?
- How did you get into the mindfulness and emotional wellness space?
- How does gratitude contribute to happiness?
Connect with Ashley and find out more about her work at:
https://clymbup.io/giving every child the opportunity to reach their peak emotional health
and on Instagram
I am your host Carol Clegg. As a small business coach, I partner with women solopreneurs in midlife, to confidently step out of overwhelm and create a fresh path to success through tailored sage accountability and mindset coaching, integrated with the powerful Positive Intelligence program. Struggling with procrastination, finding balance in your business and personal life, and cultivating a positive mindset?
Let’s chat!
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carolclegg.com or book your call here https://bit.ly/discoverycallwithcarol
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Thanks for listening!
I am your host Carol Clegg. As a small business coach, I partner with women solopreneurs in midlife, to confidently step out of overwhelm and create a fresh path to success through tailored accountability and mindset coaching, integrated with the powerful Positive Intelligence program. Struggling with procrastination, finding balance in your business and personal life, and cultivating a positive mindset?
Let’s chat!
BOOK your ✅ 30 minute complimentary discovery call
carolclegg.com or book your call here https://bit.ly/discoverycallwithcarol