Dec. 19, 2024

175 Overcoming Addictions and Embracing Positivity with Mary Beth Shrudder

175 Overcoming Addictions and Embracing Positivity  with Mary Beth Shrudder

After decades spent in the corporate world, juggling being a single mom while secretly battling addictions to alcohol, food, and toxic relationships, my guest today is now an expert in Spiritual Recovery, and she is passionate about empowering others to live their best life. Mary Beth Schrudder is a Spiritual and Transformational Life Coach and founder of Day One Life Coaching. 

A significant portion of the conversation includes demystifying the law of attraction. Mary Beth explains its scientific roots and universal relevance, encouraging listeners to harness its power intentionally to manifest success and positivity in their lives. She emphasizes the role of vibrations and frequencies in attracting abundance, particularly financial prosperity, and discusses the impact of childhood programming and limiting beliefs on wealth attraction.

We also take a deep dive into overcoming addictions, with Mary Beth sharing her own path of transformation through addiction recovery. She sheds light on how acknowledging issues can lead to reclaiming one's power, critiquing societal norms that glamorize unhealthy habits, and offering alternative paths to personal transformation. Her story is a powerful motivator for anyone looking to break free from addictions and elevate their life to new heights.

Do connect with Mary Beth and take her up on her offer using the Coupon Code CONNECT for $10 off her Self Help/Addiction Recovery cards.

Hello from your host, Carol Clegg. A coach for coaches! I work with women coaches to find balance with ease and flow, manage stress, cultivate self-empathy, and set meaningful goals that resonate with their individual coaching practices.

My clients often have too many ideas and struggle to decide which one to focus on first, leading to a HUGE BLOCK in just getting started. I love to help simplify the process, explore what is getting in the way and guide you to choose the next project, enjoy the journey, and celebrate progress while taking small, meaningful steps.

If you would like to take the complimentary Saboteur assessment to discover what gets in your way and then follow up with a complimentary coaching session to explore your results. Take your assessment here or visit

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I am your host Carol Clegg. As a small business coach, I partner with women solopreneurs in midlife, to confidently step out of overwhelm and create a fresh path to success through tailored accountability and mindset coaching, integrated with the powerful Positive Intelligence program. Struggling with procrastination, finding balance in your business and personal life, and cultivating a positive mindset?

Let’s chat!

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Thanks for listening!


00:00 - Empowering Conversations on Personal Growth

04:46 - Overcoming Addictions and Raising Vibration

09:20 - Breaking Free From Addictions


00:00:00.100 --> 00:00:04.429
Well, hello and welcome to Connect Inspire Create.

00:00:04.429 --> 00:00:14.743
I'm your host, carol Clegg, a progress and mindset business coach, here to help you thrive and flourish and turn those challenges into opportunities for growth.

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This podcast is all about giving you your weekly dose of practical strategies, motivation and insightful conversations designed to boost your business skills, personal growth and happiness.

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So, whether you're looking to find balance, say goodbye to procrastination or just in need of a friendly nudge towards your goals, remember we're all on this journey together.

00:00:42.222 --> 00:00:53.756
Well, hello everybody.

00:00:53.756 --> 00:00:59.286
We are back with a new episode on Connect Inspire Create, and thank you for being here.

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Joining me today is my guest, mary Beth Schrader.

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So welcome, mary Beth.

00:01:05.444 --> 00:01:06.787
Thank you so much for having me.

00:01:06.787 --> 00:01:07.947
I'm so excited to be here.

00:01:08.168 --> 00:01:22.459
Yeah, this is going to be a good conversation, I think, an important one for people to listen to, and I'd love to just share a little bit that I have here about you, what you had put as your bio, to let us know just a little about your background.

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So, after decades spent in the corporate world, juggling, being a single mom, while secretly battling addictions to alcohol, food and toxic relationships, my guest today is now an expert in spiritual recovery and she is passionate about empowering others to live their best life.

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So Mary Beth Schrader is a spiritual and transformational life coach and the founder of Day One Life Coaching.

00:01:51.311 --> 00:01:58.221
So, mary Beth, before we dive deeper into our conversation, I'd love to ask you some fun questions, if I may, sure.

00:01:59.072 --> 00:01:59.960
Go for it All right.

00:01:59.960 --> 00:02:01.367
So let's start off with this one.

00:02:01.367 --> 00:02:12.153
If you could instantly master any skill or start a new hobby completely unrelated to your work at current.

00:02:12.153 --> 00:02:12.794
What would you?

00:02:12.895 --> 00:02:16.068
do, completely unrelated.

00:02:16.068 --> 00:02:25.800
So I really, you know, when I first got into college I wanted to do fundraising of college.

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I wanted to do fundraising.

00:02:26.442 --> 00:02:34.586
So like I never got into it because it turns out that it's pretty political and really hard to get like a one of the good jobs where, like you, were making basically almost minimum wage out of college.

00:02:34.586 --> 00:02:35.609
But I love it.

00:02:35.609 --> 00:02:45.849
I love helping people in that way and setting up events and and and doing things that are going to kind of create money for for people who like for charities and things like that.

00:02:45.849 --> 00:02:54.879
So I think that would be my, my skill, that I cause I went to college for it but never actually actively have done it, just as a volunteer only.

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But I would love to do that, I would love to start a business doing that.

00:02:57.911 --> 00:03:13.783
What a gift that's such a gift Cause if you have the passion and talent for that, that is absolutely needed in in in so many different areas.

00:03:13.783 --> 00:03:15.991
It requires a lot of energy too, I have one more if you could spend a week somewhere with no interruptions.

00:03:16.012 --> 00:03:16.394
Where would that be?

00:03:16.394 --> 00:03:20.325
You know, the first thing that popped in my head is bora, bora, bora, bora, like that.

00:03:20.325 --> 00:03:21.528
To me that just looks so peaceful.

00:03:21.528 --> 00:03:24.687
I've never been there, right, amazing, yeah.

00:03:24.687 --> 00:03:25.008
And then maui.

00:03:25.008 --> 00:03:26.372
Then Maui's a close second.

00:03:27.721 --> 00:03:31.530
Pack away all those electronics and just disappear for a week, right.

00:03:31.550 --> 00:03:32.331
Just disappear.

00:03:32.331 --> 00:03:34.784
Yes, yes, yes.

00:03:34.784 --> 00:03:35.568
We all need that.

00:03:35.568 --> 00:03:37.807
We all need to get rid of those distractions, right?

00:03:37.960 --> 00:03:40.782
Self-care to the max, head off somewhere.

00:03:40.782 --> 00:03:46.289
Well, I am looking forward to learning a little bit more about your coaching around addictions.

00:03:46.289 --> 00:04:03.293
And let's just start with something which you had shared, which is the law of attraction, and the law of attraction is often misunderstood, so how would you explain it in maybe it's a layman terms, in a way that would resonate with our listeners today?

00:04:04.060 --> 00:04:05.741
Yeah, thank you for asking that's a great question.

00:04:05.741 --> 00:04:11.484
So basically, you're right, a lot of people think it's like woo woo, but it's actually a science.

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It really is, and it's just based on energy.

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It's a universal law, just like the universal law of gravity.

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We don't get to say, well, I don't believe in gravity, I'm not going to apply it today.

00:04:22.464 --> 00:04:34.509
It know, it's not a religion and it's it's working, whether you believe in it or not, and so it's just really good to embrace it and learn how to use it deliberately instead of by default, because that's we're always manifesting.

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We can't turn that off.

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We're either manifesting things we want or things we don't want.

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It works both ways.

00:04:39.752 --> 00:04:44.204
So it's really great to become intentional about it and essentially, everything's energy.

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So it's really great to become intentional about it and essentially, everything's energy.

00:04:46.307 --> 00:04:52.595
Everything vibrates at a certain rate, different frequencies, and we attract things that are similar to our own frequency.

00:04:52.595 --> 00:05:01.220
We attract things, so, like when it comes to money, like I know a lot of your listeners are like into you know, they're entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, you know wanting to attract money.

00:05:01.220 --> 00:05:07.636
We need to learn how to raise our vibration to the frequency where we're attracting it, instead of actually putting up resistance.

00:05:07.636 --> 00:05:30.791
A lot of us put up resistance and we block our ability to make money and a lot of that comes from childhood, just like addictions, like a lot of this stuff comes from childhood programming and we really need to get rid of, like if we had parents who were always complaining like I don't have enough money, and we get stuck in that like mindset and we want to really get to an abundance mindset and that's all teachable, we can learn.

00:05:30.899 --> 00:05:47.603
All of these things Like those are just limiting beliefs and that's the great news is we can raise our vibration and it is daily work and it's daily stuff and I, you know, every day we don't get to say you know, I reached my goal of my weight loss goal, I look perfect and I've got the perfect body, I'm done.

00:05:47.603 --> 00:05:50.130
You know, we there's maintenance, it's every day We've got.

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We can't go back to our old habits, our old ways.

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We've got to still move our body.

00:05:53.709 --> 00:06:01.213
We still got to eat, eat healthy and and food that loves us back Right, food addiction was one of my things too.

00:06:01.213 --> 00:06:11.093
The food like you mentioned, so like um's, like super important to what we're putting in our bodies is also going to affect our vibration, our frequency.

00:06:12.021 --> 00:06:16.362
So I know that you mentioned, you know, the food addiction and the other addictions that we've spoken about.

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Turning pain into power.

00:06:18.528 --> 00:06:21.819
Is there a pivotal moment in your story?

00:06:21.819 --> 00:06:31.026
Because you've certainly walked your journey and lived the life that you've experienced to put you where you are now to help others, but is there a moment where you just felt that shift?

00:06:31.026 --> 00:06:34.939
I'm no longer stuck and I'm reclaiming my power.

00:06:35.841 --> 00:06:41.642
Yes, and I would like to say I thought I had that shift a few times before until I actually had that shift.

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So that's going to happen to a lot of people.

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It's like like my biggest addiction was alcohol and I had made those promises, like a lot of us do, like I'm done.

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I'm done with it Cause we know like it's not the best thing for us.

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Everybody knows it's not great for our liver.

00:06:55.139 --> 00:07:07.793
But then when I actually added an addiction recovery niche to my coaching, I was already coached because I'd conquered a lot of things in my life and the truth is, with alcohol, carol, I was in denial still, like I cause.

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What do we do?

00:07:08.536 --> 00:07:13.956
We compare ourselves to people around us and it's so normal, it's so glamorized, even.

00:07:13.956 --> 00:07:15.391
And guess what?

00:07:15.512 --> 00:07:27.403
Now I'm the weirdo, the oddball who doesn't drink, you know, and I was going to say probably not so much anymore, because it's so interesting just to look now at all the non-alcoholic drinks that are available.

00:07:27.949 --> 00:07:29.514
Yeah, they are doing a terrific job.

00:07:31.610 --> 00:07:35.019
And really I'm seeing the shift of the availability of that.

00:07:35.019 --> 00:07:46.139
But you're right, we do, we glamorize the fact of everybody else does this, and then the other thing, of course, is that, well, I'm OK, everybody else, the other people who are worse than me, kind of thing.

00:07:46.420 --> 00:07:48.175
Exactly, and that's who we compare ourselves to.

00:07:48.175 --> 00:07:49.975
We're not comparing ourselves to the non-drinker.

00:07:49.975 --> 00:08:01.555
So I'm looking and, plus, we kind of tend to surround ourselves with people who will drink with us too.

00:08:01.555 --> 00:08:02.838
So, like, like you mentioned, I'm in the corporate world.

00:08:02.838 --> 00:08:05.447
I'm like using it as a reward, like, oh, today was a rough day, I didn't like my jobs in corporate, that I had Right.

00:08:05.447 --> 00:08:10.321
So, um it be, I did stop drinking as much, like reduced it a lot when I became a coach, because I started to love my life.

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And I think that's one huge thing that people need to realize is, the more you become purpose-filled in your life, you start living your passion and you have a sense of purpose.

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Sometimes, like those, those addictions just start to fall away because you're just like loving your life.

00:08:27.901 --> 00:08:54.339
And when I learned about addiction when I was, when I was doing those courses, and I read a book, also called Alcohol, explained by William Porter, I was like, oh my gosh, I had to wake up because it was like and I didn't quit right away, but I'll tell you that but this book really shifted me and it was the first real big shift, because I was like this is a problem and we can't heal anything that we don't acknowledge Right.

00:08:54.339 --> 00:08:57.899
So I was like, okay, I might have a problem.

00:08:57.899 --> 00:09:02.931
Finally, like I realized it, my mom had told me you know, I think you drink too much wine or whatever.

00:09:02.931 --> 00:09:08.812
Cause mine was red wine and like sometimes I would drink vodka drinks, but mostly red wine was my vice.

00:09:08.812 --> 00:09:14.173
Like I wasn't like drinking and I think a lot of us in corporate are like this you know where I wasn't drinking?

00:09:14.173 --> 00:09:15.895
Out of a brown paper bag.

00:09:15.956 --> 00:09:18.621
You know some sort of like, so it's hard to tell.

00:09:18.682 --> 00:09:19.943
It's hard to tell you have a problem.

00:09:19.943 --> 00:09:22.557
But this book you know when they're talking about it.

00:09:22.557 --> 00:09:26.341
He was really talking about how he was researching his sleep, sleep disorder.

00:09:26.360 --> 00:09:29.711
I was just going to talk about that because people don't realize.

00:09:29.711 --> 00:09:46.068
They think, oh, just as you said, you've had a hard day, let's have a glass of wine to unwind, which is just such a temporary fix, and the effect on one's sleep and that keeps coming back time and time again, is the power of sleep without it.

00:09:46.089 --> 00:09:50.613
Yeah, and I blamed my hormones for everything, because I'm in my forties, right, like well, I'm 50 now.

00:09:50.613 --> 00:09:55.043
But when I quit drinking alcohol officially was right before I turned 45.

00:09:55.043 --> 00:09:59.211
So, like in my forties, I'm noticing these, the alcohols.

00:09:59.211 --> 00:10:00.076
It is progressive.

00:10:00.076 --> 00:10:06.416
It starts affecting you more the older you get and your body can't handle these toxins as well as it used to.

00:10:06.416 --> 00:10:12.841
And you don't bounce back and I, when I read that, I was like oh my gosh, I was blaming my hormones in a way.

00:10:12.841 --> 00:10:19.129
It probably was, partly, because there's nothing that dysregulates your hormones more than alcohol.

00:10:19.129 --> 00:10:20.875
It messes up your endocrine system.

00:10:20.875 --> 00:10:22.410
Everything starts so.

00:10:22.410 --> 00:10:23.956
So it is the hormones.

00:10:23.956 --> 00:10:25.299
But guess what?

00:10:25.299 --> 00:10:28.440
I'm 50 now, when my hormones should be totally wackadoo.

00:10:28.440 --> 00:10:34.855
I feel great and balanced, you know, because I got rid of that and now I can sleep well and we don't sleep well.

00:10:34.855 --> 00:10:40.441
It just it lowers your vibration for that whole next day, right and um, and maybe more.

00:10:40.441 --> 00:10:44.274
In your forties it seems like you're half masked, kind of.

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For two to three days even it can last.

00:10:47.240 --> 00:10:49.191
And I knew too much about law of attraction.

00:10:49.191 --> 00:10:50.836
I was already teaching it once.

00:10:50.836 --> 00:10:53.582
I acknowledged it finally and I got out of denial.

00:10:53.582 --> 00:10:57.812
I was like I can't do this anymore because this is lowering my vibration.

00:10:57.812 --> 00:10:59.957
I'm literally teaching people how to live their best life.

00:10:59.957 --> 00:11:04.878
I can't be a hypocrite, you know I I'm a very someone who wants to be an integrity at all times.

00:11:04.878 --> 00:11:09.576
I don't, I don't teach anything that I don't practice and follow myself or have been through.

00:11:09.576 --> 00:11:18.176
So that's, that's how I live, and so I knew I had to give it up.

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Now, it wasn't as easy as that, like I.

00:11:18.581 --> 00:11:19.499
Just when I acknowledged it wasn't, I wasn't like, okay, I'm done.

00:11:19.499 --> 00:11:23.841
Like I realized it was really difficult and that's when I started incorporating all these spiritual recovery techniques.

00:11:23.841 --> 00:11:34.421
And because AA was not for me and I'll tell you why it didn't and if it's a great tool for someone listening or someone you know, absolutely use whatever works.

00:11:34.421 --> 00:11:35.123
I'm big on that.

00:11:35.123 --> 00:11:42.852
Like whatever works for you.

00:11:42.852 --> 00:11:48.211
Yeah, yeah, I'm not telling people don't go to AA, but with me, and I know a lot of people are like me and so they might feel relief when I say this like so my spiritual background is like it's.

00:11:48.211 --> 00:11:54.962
It's very important to not say I am and then something negative.

00:11:55.083 --> 00:11:55.825
So when you go.

00:11:55.929 --> 00:12:04.452
When you say I am an alcoholic, you're recreating that identity and for me, my spiritual recovery works all about shifting and changing that identity.

00:12:04.452 --> 00:12:10.037
You're no longer going to be that person, so you don't want to go in and groups and keep telling that old story about yourself.

00:12:10.037 --> 00:12:11.601
We're creating a new personality.

00:12:11.601 --> 00:12:17.038
So I, the AA route was not for me, um, so I I.

00:12:17.038 --> 00:12:21.125
That's when I got delved into the spiritual recovery work and I was already a holistic life coach.

00:12:21.125 --> 00:12:22.416
So I'm already mind, body, spirit.

00:12:22.416 --> 00:12:31.798
So I'm using all these techniques that um are that that are really important to ground yourself, for instance, like grounding is really important.

00:12:31.798 --> 00:12:46.299
Um, breath work, all these things that cause a lot of us drink because we have anxiety, like especially social anxiety, and when we do these other alternative techniques, we can help get rid of our anxiety naturally, instead of thinking I need to numb out.

00:12:46.379 --> 00:12:48.072
I need to numb out, I resonate.

00:12:48.072 --> 00:12:56.700
So when you talk about that grounding, I mean we are gifted with our own bodies, with our own mind, with our breath, with our own cells, that we have the power.

00:12:56.700 --> 00:13:03.562
And it's taking back that power and recognizing that you don't need to give that over.

00:13:03.562 --> 00:13:11.836
And as you said, it's not only alcohol, it can be food, it can be other addictions, work, work is a huge addiction, you guys.

00:13:12.270 --> 00:13:26.032
That's something that I like to clarify with people is they're thinking alcohol and drugs all the time, but we've got work shopping and, by the way, work's an important one and people blow it off but, like I, have clients who are workaholics and have destroyed their families over it.

00:13:26.032 --> 00:13:27.398
So it's really a big deal.

00:13:27.398 --> 00:13:28.402
It's bigger than we make it.

00:13:28.402 --> 00:13:33.735
Shopping can also be really harmful to your family, because if you have that addiction, you know what are we doing.

00:13:33.754 --> 00:13:41.004
We're trying to fill a void, fill a void, fill a void and the only thing that worked for me to fill my void would be spiritual stuff.

00:13:41.004 --> 00:13:50.339
So spiritual recovery this is how it had to be for me, and I know other people are out there like me that the typical programs aren't going to work for them.

00:13:50.339 --> 00:13:55.376
We need that extra and we need to really realize how powerful we are as creators.

00:13:55.376 --> 00:13:59.403
We are powerful creators and that's that law of attraction and manifestation stuff that we need to really realize how powerful we are as creators.

00:13:59.403 --> 00:14:12.298
We are powerful creators and that's that law of attraction and manifestation stuff that we need to realize that we do create our own reality and we need to know that every single day and do things to set ourselves up for success every day, every day.

00:14:12.730 --> 00:14:17.938
I was going to ask what are some surprising forms of addiction that people don't realize they're struggling with?

00:14:17.938 --> 00:14:19.221
But you've, you know, you have.

00:14:19.221 --> 00:14:23.255
You've just shared some of them Netflix, so so simple.

00:14:23.255 --> 00:14:24.232
Yeah, I know.

00:14:24.232 --> 00:14:35.500
For me, I work a four day work week and it's Monday to Thursday, and I actually call Friday my CEO day, and not CEO for work, but CEO for Carol Nice.

00:14:35.500 --> 00:14:35.921
I love it.

00:14:35.921 --> 00:14:39.586
And so that you know I can get to choose if I want to work on something.

00:14:39.586 --> 00:14:48.221
And the other thing that I find that's beautiful, what you identify in here is if we can address that we have these powers within us.

00:14:48.221 --> 00:14:53.109
From a business point of view, I find creativity comes out of that 100%, absolutely.

00:14:53.330 --> 00:14:56.231
It releases so much, which then brings joy.

00:14:56.231 --> 00:14:57.212

00:14:57.909 --> 00:14:58.692
And that's a great point.

00:14:58.692 --> 00:15:03.505
Creativity, yeah With, because there's a saying, it's Brene Brown.

00:15:03.505 --> 00:15:09.624
She says you cannot selectively numb your feelings, and I'm going to say that's what happened is with me especially.

00:15:09.624 --> 00:15:17.561
We also were going to numb all of the joy, all of the happy stuff, all of the good things, not just the scary, fearful, anxiety feelings.

00:15:17.561 --> 00:15:18.724
We're numbing everything.

00:15:18.724 --> 00:15:29.107
So that's what I noticed when I finally let go of my addictions alcohol, my toxic relationship addictions and food addictions I was like, wow, like my life has just become.

00:15:29.107 --> 00:15:34.602
I'm so much more creative that to your point and I also attract better clients.

00:15:34.602 --> 00:15:37.629
I, my business, has improved 180, like everything.

00:15:37.629 --> 00:15:40.280
It was good before, but now it's like you know.

00:15:40.280 --> 00:15:42.706
Just, I manifest things every day.

00:15:42.706 --> 00:15:44.697
It's just like synchronicity after synchronicity.

00:15:44.697 --> 00:15:53.143
I'm attracting all of these beautiful things effortlessly, when before, you know, I was blocking a lot of these beautiful manifestations.

00:15:53.143 --> 00:15:53.966
I was blocking them.

00:15:54.735 --> 00:15:55.519
And that's so powerful.

00:15:55.519 --> 00:16:05.808
Because that's one thing I want to remind listeners as you run and grow your own business is that you do have the choice to work with the people that light you up and the synergy you know.

00:16:05.808 --> 00:16:15.184
So, as you talk about that law of attraction, I mean sometimes there's struggling clients and we can each learn from each other, so there can be a gift in that learning experience.

00:16:15.184 --> 00:16:20.866
But, yeah, just lifting up those levels, as you say, Mary Beth, is wonderful.

00:16:20.866 --> 00:16:32.477
So I would love to just ask you for our listeners, if they want to learn more about you, learn, find out more about your coaching and whatever else you have available for them, where will they find you?

00:16:33.178 --> 00:16:46.427
Yeah, so my website, if anything I said, sounds like something you might need to work on and you want to see if coaching might be right for you, I do offer a free discovery call one-on-one with me via Zoom, so it doesn't matter where you live, as long as you speak English, I can help you.

00:16:46.427 --> 00:16:53.246
And that would be my website dayonelifecoachingcom D-A-Y-O-N-E.

00:16:53.246 --> 00:16:54.227

00:16:54.227 --> 00:17:17.422
And just click on the contact and I will definitely contact you, fill in your information and if I can't help you because I'm not a match for everybody Like I can tell pretty well these days after doing this for seven years like I will be able to guide you somewhere else or to a program or another person you know through my, through my network of people and you know, so there's nothing to lose with that call, you know.

00:17:17.422 --> 00:17:19.938
Hopefully I can guide you somewhere if I'm not a good match for you.

00:17:19.938 --> 00:17:28.858
And also, I would like to offer your listeners a coupon code for these cards that I made, if that's okay, absolutely.

00:17:28.900 --> 00:17:29.882
That'd be wonderful.

00:17:29.882 --> 00:17:31.547
That's super, thank you.

00:17:31.795 --> 00:17:34.122
Yeah, they're Addiction Recovery with the Law of Attraction.

00:17:34.122 --> 00:17:35.546
This was like a download for me.

00:17:35.546 --> 00:17:44.238
I was vibing really high one day and my mind was free of chatter, which is kind of a good place to be when we want to receive information.

00:17:44.238 --> 00:17:52.000
Right, we're always receiving guidance, but what we do, guys, is we get too many distractions around us scrollings and addiction, scrolling on your phone, you guys.

00:17:52.000 --> 00:17:55.576
So, um, we got get rid of those distractions.

00:17:55.576 --> 00:17:59.386
We're going to get receive all of these inspired ideas and this, this deck of cards.

00:17:59.386 --> 00:18:09.521
There's 44 cards in each deck and it's got, um, a picture on the front and content on the back which teaches law of attraction without the misconceptions.

00:18:10.022 --> 00:18:17.236
We could do a whole show on just misconceptions of law of attraction that there's so many things that are like more superstition and not how it really works.

00:18:17.236 --> 00:18:20.160
So they teach law of attraction.

00:18:20.160 --> 00:18:22.343
They also are just a way you start the day.

00:18:22.343 --> 00:18:27.830
They give you something to to focus on that day, um, instead of your addiction.

00:18:27.830 --> 00:18:34.575
So, um, and each card has the techniques that I used to to get rid of my addiction.

00:18:34.575 --> 00:18:42.244
So that was this idea just flew to me, and I know how it works when someone, when that idea is out there and the electromagnetic field there's a.

00:18:42.244 --> 00:18:42.967
There's a field.

00:18:42.967 --> 00:18:47.221
If you don't take, if you don't take advantage of that idea, somebody else is going to.

00:18:47.221 --> 00:18:53.097
And I'm sure most of your listeners have had that experience at one point in their life where they received an inspired idea and didn't jump on it.

00:18:53.097 --> 00:18:54.926
They didn't act, they didn't take action.

00:18:54.926 --> 00:18:57.115
There's no law of attraction without taking action.

00:18:57.135 --> 00:19:13.025
by the way, then someone else that you see has your idea Like you see it like within a year or something, like they actually they actually took the action and manifested it into reality, because everything we look at surrounding us was once just an idea, and somebody's had, and someone took action.

00:19:14.515 --> 00:19:15.396
Fabulous office.

00:19:15.396 --> 00:19:24.980
I will make sure to have the link not only to your website, but I'll pop your link tree in which will be able to take people to find your card and then the coupon you said they must be-.

00:19:25.000 --> 00:19:26.122
Yeah, I forgot to mention.

00:19:26.122 --> 00:19:27.143
I forgot to mention.

00:19:27.143 --> 00:19:29.044
I was just like oh, I got off on a tangent.

00:19:29.044 --> 00:19:32.807
The coupon code is connect, in honor of their show Connect.

00:19:33.288 --> 00:19:34.690
Awesome, awesome.

00:19:35.190 --> 00:19:36.211
And it's $10 off.

00:19:41.415 --> 00:19:41.596

00:19:41.596 --> 00:19:42.819
This has been wonderful and very, very inspiring.

00:19:42.819 --> 00:19:45.487
So thanks for joining me and just sharing with our listeners, and the offer is there.

00:19:45.487 --> 00:19:50.084
So do connect with Mary Beth, and I just want to say thank you to those that have been listening.

00:19:50.084 --> 00:20:07.638
So if this conversation has just sparked a touch of inspiration, something you need to know or somebody you want to tell about it, I invite you to share, and I also encourage you this week to find your own joyful way of connecting, inspiring and creating hence the name of the show.

00:20:08.461 --> 00:20:19.698
And if you're looking for a coaching program to help you build some powerful habits around a lifelong positive mindset, I'd love to explore what results you are looking for in your life and your business.

00:20:19.698 --> 00:20:30.607
As a marketing mindset and accountability coach, I work with women coaches in midlife who are feeling overwhelmed with their marketing and tools for growing their coaching business.

00:20:30.607 --> 00:20:35.165
And if this resonates with you, I'm here to support you on your journey.

00:20:35.165 --> 00:20:37.103
And you can connect with me on LinkedIn.

00:20:37.103 --> 00:20:41.484
Just look for Carol Clegg, or you can go to my website at carolcleggcom.

00:20:41.484 --> 00:20:44.426
So until the next time, take care.